Moving forward together...

Book Chapters and Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Utilizing a detailed lens to investigate the "taken for granted" ways we join clients to accomplish common therapeutic practices.
Couture, S. J. (2006). Transcending a Differend: Studying Therapeutic Processes Conversationally. Journal of Contemporary Family Therapy, 28(3), p. 285-303.
Couture, S.J., & Sutherland, O. (2006). Giving advice on advice giving: A conversation analysis of Karl Tomm’s practice. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 32(3), p. 329-345.
Couture, S. J. (2007). Multiparty talk in family therapy: Complexity breeds opportunity. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 26 (1). p. 63.
Sutherland, O., & Couture, S. J. (2007). The discursive performance of the alliance in family therapy: A conversation analytic perspective. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 28(4), p. 210-216.
Gaete Silva.J., Couture.S.J., Sutherland, O. (2018). Reflexive Questions as Constructive Interventions. In T. Strong & O. Sutherland (Eds.) Discursive Research/Discursive Therapies. Palgrave Macmillan.
Client-preferred outcomes evident in therapeutic dialogue.
Busch, R., Strong, T., & Couture, S. J. (2008). Conversational Evidence in therapeutic dialogue. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 34(3), p. 388-405.
Sutherland, O. A., Sametband, I., Gaete Silva, J., Couture, S., & Strong, T. (2013). Conversational perspective on therapeutic outcomes: The importance of preference in the development of discourse. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 13(3), p. 220-226.
Studying the missed opportunities in diagnostic-focused interviews.
Sutherland, O., Couture, S.J., Gaete Silva, J., & Strong, T., LaMarre, A., Kwan, C., & Hardt, L. (2016). Social justice oriented diagnostic discussions: A discursive perspective. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 28(2-3), pp. 76-99.
Gaete Silva, J., Strong, T., Couture, S., & Sutherland, O. (2018). DSM Diagnosis and Social Justice: Inviting Counsellor Reflexivity. In D. Pare & C. Audet (Eds.). Social Justice and Counselling (pp.196-211). New York, NY: Routledge.
A method for practitioners.
Couture, S. J., & Sutherland, O. (2005). Investigating change: Compatible research and practice. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 23(2), p. 3-17.
Couture, S. J., & Strong, T. (2004). Turning differences into possibilities: Using discourse analysis to investigate change in therapy with adolescents and their families. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 4(1), 90-101.
Smoliak, O., Couture, S., Gaete Silva, J., Rogers-de Jong, M., Sametband, I., & LaMarre, A. (in press). The potential of discursive research to address family therapists’ practical questions and dilemmas. In O’Reilly, M., and Lester, J., (Eds; in press). Improving communication in mental health settings: Evidence-based recommendations from practitioner-led research. London: Routledge
Reflections and analysis of the work of Karl Tomm the director of the Calgary Family Therapy Centre.
Couture, S. J. (2006). Transcending a Differend: Studying Therapeutic Processes Conversationally. Journal of Contemporary Family Therapy, 28(3), p. 285-303.
Strong, T., Sutherland, O., Couture, S.J., Godard, G., & Hope, T. (2008). Karl Tomm’s collaborative approaches to counseling. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 42(3), p. 174-191.
See "Putting legs on" conversational co-constructions for more analyses of Karl Tomm's practice
Inviting new practitioners to view their work through the "IPscope" at the Calgary Family Therapy Centre.
Couture, S., & Tomm, K. (2014). Chapter 3: Teaching and Learning Relational Practice. In K. Tomm, S. St. George, D. Wulff, & T. Strong (Eds.), Patterns in Interpersonal Interactions Inviting Relational Understandings for Therapeutic Change (pp. 57-81). New, NY: Routledge.
Surveying the needs of adolescents to provide the base for guidance and counselling programming.
Couture, S. J. (2002). Addressing student needs throughout development: Providing responsive programming. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 36(1).
Couture, S. J. (2000). A developmental look at adolescent needs. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Gordon, T., Couture, S.J., & Drefs, M. (2000). Preparing children and adolescents for the future. NATCON Papers.
Hiebert, B., Gordon, T., Couture, S.J., Drefs, M., & Robinson, J. (2000). Student Needs Surveys. Alberta Learning.