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Couture, S. J., Tomm, K., Strong, T., & Sutherland, O. (October, 2005). Working out conversational impasses: Discursive considerations. Day long pre-conference institute at the 63rd AAMFT Annual Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.


Taylor, L., Todd, N., Young, F., Strong, T., & Couture, S. J. (September, 2005).  Turning points in therapeutic practice: One client three therapeutic approaches.  A Two-day workshop for the Calgary Health Region Rural Team where Tom Strong and I provided commentary/analysis throughout, Cochrane, AB. 


Gaete Silva. J., Couture. S.J., Sutherland, O., Strong, T. (November, 2018). Reflexive Questions as Constructive Interventions. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Taos Institute. Cancun, Mexico

Sesma-Vazquez, M., Pickering, B., Strong, T., & Couture, S. (June, 2015). Creating spaces for counter-practices with families: Honoring “local knowledge” versus reifying “expert language”. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA 2015), Vancouver, WA, USA.

Sutherland, O., Couture S.J., Strong, T., Gaete Silva, J., LaMarre, A., Kwan, C., & Hardt, L. (June, 2015). DSM-5 and social justice conversations. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA 2015). Vancouver, WA, USA.

Tomm, K., & Couture, S.J. (June, 2014). Using the IPScope to teach and learn relational practice. Chapter presented at the AFTA 2014 Annual Meeting and Open Conference, Athens, Georgia, United States.

Couture, S.J., & Tomm, K. (March, 2014).  Using the IPScope to teach family therapy. Presented at the 27th Annual Sebastian K. Littmann Research Day, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Sutherland, O., & Couture, S. J. (June, 2007).  Collaboration in the therapeutic relationship: A conversation analysis of a session of family therapy.  Poster presented at American Academy of Family Therapy Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Strong, T., Sutherland, O., Couture, S. J., Godard, G., & Hope, T. (May, 2007). Collaborating with clients: Karl Tomm’s contributions to counselling. Paper presented at the Canadian Counselling Association Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.  


Busch, R., Strong, T., & Couture, S. J. (February, 2006). Conversational accomplishments and widening the evidence base in psychotherapy research: Discursive evaluations of performance and meaning in therapeutic conversations.  Presented by Robbie Busch at the New Zealand Psychotherapists Association Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Couture, S.J. (April, 2005).  Moving forward with clients.  Presentation to the Calgary Family Therapy Program.


Couture, S.J., & Zeeman, D. (January, 2005).  Taking a Discursive Stance: Research as a Training Tool.  Paper presented by Don Zeman as a part of a discursive research Symposium at the Qualitative Interest Group’s (QUIG) 18th Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies, Athens, Georgia. 


Couture, S. J., & Sutherland, O. (May, 2004).  Turning Point Conversations and Collaboration in Family Therapy.  Paper presented as part of the Therapeutic Discourse Symposium of the Qualitative Health Research Conference, Banff, Alberta.


Couture, S. J., & Strong, T. (November, 2003). Turning differences into possibilities: Using discourse analysis to investigate change in therapy with adolescents and their families.  Paper presented for the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference (NCFR), Vancouver, B.C. 


Hiebert, B., Couture, S.J., & Gordon, T. (February, 2001). Preparing teachers to address the predominating concerns of children and adolescents in the twenty-first century. Paper presented at the annual Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching (WestCAST), Calgary, AB.


Couture, S. J., Gordon, T., & Drefs, M. (May, 2000). Responding to the career needs of student. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Alberta Regional Consultation for Career Development, Edmonton, AB.


Couture, S. J., Gordon, T., & Drefs, M. (January, 2000). Preparing children and adolescents for the future.  Paper presented to the annual meeting of the National Consultation on Career Development (NATCON), Ottawa, ON.


Collins, S., Couture, S.J., & Gordon, T. (May, 1999). Meeting the health and guidance needs of adolescents. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Guidance and Counselling Association, Calgary, AB.

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